First thing first, this blog is not about perfection. It's about doing your best, where you are with what you have. I'm Veronica Gant, a wife and a mother of a 2 year old loving little boy, Nolan.

I master motherhood by taking care of myself first mentally (because most things begin in the mind), spiritually, physically, and financially.

Mentally: I see my therapist often. I try to sit down with her 1-2 times monthly. Not that something is wrong I like to think of my sessions as preventive care. This is my free space. My judgement free space that is authentic and dedicated to helping me evolve.

Spiritually: I often unplug. I ponder about my desires (goals, aspirations, vacations, etc). I set my intentions through 5- 10 minutes meditations and prayer. I decide what I want and go after it.

Physically: I stay active. As they say, a body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest. I get my ass up and work out! The benefits of working out strengthens me mentally and physically. I make time while working full time and running two businesses. I made the decision and I'm tackling it with full force.

Financially: I'm not rich (YET) but I've become very passionate about obtaining the knowledge of finances. Retirement options, various investments, kids savings, and knocking out debt like Kung Fu!

One thing I know we can all agree on is that kids are expensive! I often hear parents complain about the cost of extracurricular activities, camp, etc. So at 6 months pregnant I decided to start preparing for those expenses now. I opened a kids savings account with Capitol One. I have 3%, yes just 3% of my check direct deposited into Nolan's account every pay period. This account earns interest monthly. It's a joy to see it grow. Any monetary gifts he receives gets deposited and every book (I AM...Affirmations & Declarations for a King) purchase he receives through his website goes directly to his account.  Preparation and consistency is key to most things. I don't want the guilt of telling him we can't nurture his interest because we can't afford it. Copy the link to your browser to open your kid(s) savings today.

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